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Don't Crucify Me

It occurs to me, on this Good Friday, that many Christians in this world have very little idea what the Christ was all about. They run around acting exactly like the people they condemn, yet the only thing which really separates them is the fact that the Christians are praying to Jesus, and the Muslims are praying to Allah. Other than that, a fanatic is, pretty much, a fanatic, no matter what labels they put on themselves or each other.

I am Psycho the Clown.

This is going to be rather short because it's a rather simple point to make. For 2000 years Christians have been running around trying to prove something. Lot's of things, really, but they all add up to a big thing.

They keep trying to find Noah's Ark, to prove that the great flood really happened. Not that finding a piece of wood on a mountain top could ever actually prove there was a flood, or how long it lasted, or who built the boat, or what the cargo might have been, but they keep on trying.

They keep trying to prove that the Shroud of Turin is really the burial cloth of Jesus. Impossible to prove, but every few years you hear about some new test.

They have even gone so far as to declare, with no proof whatsoever, that science has it wrong, that the Earth and the entire universe are only 6,000 years old. Yeah. I have rocks in my back yard older than 6,000 years. Anyway, they are doing this so they can claim the Bible tells the literal truth of the beginnings of everything. One fallacy rests atop another.

Here's the thing: All of this is being done, even by people who have never considered this idea, in order to prove that Christianity has a right to exist in this world. That's all. That's it. And this is a stupid, jack-ass-ignorant thing to be trying to prove, 2000 years after the fact, because OF COURSE Christianity has a right to exist! This mass-inferiority complex is ridiculous and everyone in the Christian faith should know that by now.

You're part of one of the largest religious movements in the history of mankind! Get over it, and get on with being Christians. Stop railroading everyone who disagrees with you and just enjoy your faith, your fellowship with other Christians, your love of friends and family. Stop trying to convert everyone, including other Christians, to your way of thinking. This is all remarkably un-Christ-like of you.

Jesus talked about inclusion, not exclusion. He talked about acceptance, not rejection, condemnation, or even simple tolerance. Jesus, were he to actually come back today, would not recognize anything most of you do on a daily basis as being Christianity, but he'd accept you anyway.

Stop trying to prove everything you believe to be unarguable fact and learn to see it as Truth, instead. Truth doesn't need proof. Your beliefs don't need proof. You're entitled to them, and you don't have to justify them to me or anyone else.